High-yield assets, low-cost loans
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Choose your interest rate when borrowing USD stablecoins against high-yielding crypto assets like LRTs, LBTC, and more.

Ebisu Money

Coming soon

A collateralized debt position (CDP) protocol that lets users borrow US dollar or ETH denominated stablecoins against liquid restaking tokens (LRTs).

Ebisu Earn

Coming soon

A suite of restaking yield vaults that automate real yield generation across a basket of LRT DeFi strategies providing diverse exposure to various LRTs and restaking protocols.

Introducing Ebisu & ebUSD

EigenFi unlocks capital efficiency, yield, liquidity for all restaked assets

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EigenFi & Ebisu;

The Inevitable DeFi Ecosystem of EigenLayer

EigenLayer brings a new incentive layer on top of Ethereum; It is inevitable we see a DeFi ecosystem establish itself around restaking yield. Studying the past gives us a glimpse of the future

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LRTs: Balancing High Yield with Novel Risks

Underwriting the risk of Eigenlayer liquid restaking tokens within the DeFi ecosystem

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LRT Infra Risk Framework

Informing Ebisu's Protocol Parameters Through LRT Collateral Health

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Learn more about the different aspects of Ebisu and ebUSD

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